
IRC can have various commands depending on each server. There are numerous implementations of the IRC protocol, and Dump Chat tries to implement the most common features out there. Should you find a command not supported by Dump Chat, you can still use the command via the "/raw" command. It will be explained below. If you think a command that is missing is really important, post a message on the forums, and we will try to implement it for the next release.

(/message, /msg, /m) + target + message

Sends a standard message to a channel or a user on IRC

(/me, /action) + message

Sends an action message to the current target (ie: nick slaps john with a fish)

/join + target

Joins a channel on your current IRC server

/part (+ optional target)

Parts from the current active channel, or optionally parts a channel with the given target

/notice + target + message

Sends a notice message to a channel or a user on IRC


Requests the list of channels available on the current active server

/whois + target

Gets detailed user info about the target user

/oper + username + password

Obtains Operator rights on the current active server

/mode + args..

Sends a mode message to the IRC server. Mode messages can have many forms.


Shows the banlist for the current active channel

/invite + target

Invites a user to the current active channel

/kick + target (+ optional message)

Kicks a user from the current active channel with an optional reason

/voice + target

Gives voice to the target on the current active channel

/(de/un)voice + target

Removes voice to the target on the current active channel

/hop + target

Gives half-operator status on the target on the current active channel

/(de/un)hop + target

Removes half-operator status on the target on the current active channel

/op + target

Gives operator status to the target on the current active channel

/(de/un)op + target

Removes operator status on the target on the current active channel

/protect + target

Gives protection status to the target on the current active channel

/(de/un)protect + target

Removes protect status on the target on the current active channel

/owner + target

Gives owner to the target on the current active channel

/(de/un)owner + target

Removes owner status on the target on the current active channel

/away + message

Annoucnes that you are set as away


Removes away status


Executes the rehash command on the server


Executes the die command on the server


Executes the restart command on the server

/quit (+ optional message)

Disconnects from the current IRC server with an optional message

/summon + target (+ optional server)

Executes the summon command on the server, with target and optional server where the target is on

/userhost + target

Executes the userhost command on the server with the target

/ison + target

Executes the ison command on the server with the given target

/wallops + target

Executes the wallops command on the server with the given target

/who + target

Gets detailed user info about the target (same as whois)

/nick + newname (+ optional password)

Changes your nick on the current active server, and optionally attempts to identify you with the password, if given


Gets the current modes for the current active channel


Executes a raw IRC command by the user. Everything after the /raw command gets sent to the server verbatim.